Sanduku la kwanza kabisa la juu lililoandikwa 375,000/= linakuonyesaha wewe ukiwa juu kabisa ya timu yako unayoijenga. Kiasi hiki cha pesa ni kile unachohitaji kama mtaji wako baada ya kujiunga kwa kwa Tshs 24,000/= ili kufikia ngazi ya 3*C. Ni kiasi ambacho mimi binafsi napendekeza uanze nacho, ingawa si lazima. Unaweza pia kuanza kwa kiasi kidogo ulicho nacho na taratibu ukafikia kiwango hicho. Kiwango hicho hapo juu au pesa hiyo utaitumia kununua bidhaa kwenye kampuni kwa matumizi yako binafsi au kusaidia wagonjwa wenye matatizo mbalimbali.
Sehemu ya kwanza ya table ya chini inaonyesha ngazi za wanachama wa kampuni wakianza na 1*C, 2*C, 3*C na kuendelea hadi 8*C. Viwango vya chini vya BV unazotakiwa kuwa nazo kusudi kufikia ngazi fulani vinaonyeshwa kwenye sehemu ya tatu ya table hiyo ya hapo chini. Kwa hiyo kufikia ngazi ya 2*C unahitaji BV 80, 3*C BV 250, 4*C BV 1000, 5*C Bv 4000 n.k.
Hii ni ndiyo taarifa ya msingi kabisa kuijua. Sasa kabla hatujaendelea zaidi, tutazame uhusiano wa BV na pesa kama zilivyoandikwa kwenye visanduku vya juu. Kuanza kujenga timu, unahitaji ufike ngazi ya 3*C ambapo tumekwisha ona kwamba ngazi hiyo unaifikia ukiwa na BV 250.
Ikiwa BV moja ni sawa na dola moja yenye thamani ya TZS 1500/=, BV 250 ni sawa na TZS 250*1500=375,000/= kiasi ambacho kimeonyeshwa pale juu kabisa.
1.1.1 One-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Purchase a Green World business kit.
The distributor of this status orders at distributor’s price. He/she is qualified to have the retail profit and sponsor others to Green World business.
1.1.2 Two-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Make a once-off purchase of products for no less than 80BV or cumulative purchase for no less than 80BV.
Distributor of this status will receive 5% direct bonus on his/her direct BV.
1.1.3 Three-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Make a cumulative purchase of the products for no less than 250BV.
Option 2: Make a once-off purchase of the products for no less than 250BV.
The distributor of this status will receive 20% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
1.1.4 Four-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Create three direct networks, containing one Three-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 1,000BV or more.
Option 2: Create two direct networks, containing one Three-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 2,000BV or more.
Option 3:Create a cumulative PBV of 1,000BV or more.
The distributor of this status will receive 25% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
1.1.5 Five-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Create at least three direct networks, containing one Four-Star Consultant
in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 4,000BV or more.
Option 2: Create at least two direct networks, containing one Four-Star Consultant
in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 8,000BV or more.
Option 3:Create a cumulative PBV of 16,000BV or more.
In that specific month the distributor is qualified as a.
Note: At this level the PBV of the distributor must be no less than 20BV in that specific month.
⑴The distributor of this status will receive 30% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
⑵When the GBV of the distributor is no less than 500BV, he/she will receive 1% of the GBV of the first generation of SSD in that specific month as the Leadership Bonus.
1.1.6 Six-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Create at least three direct networks, containing one Five-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 20,000BV or more.
Option 2: Create at least two direct networks, containing one Five-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 40,000BV or more.
Option 3:Create a cumulative PBV of 80,000BV or more.
Note: At this level the PBV of the distributor must be no less than 30BV in that specific month.
⑴The distributor of this status will receive 35% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
⑵When the GBV of the distributor is no less than 800BV. Leadership Bonus from N+1 generations of the same status (at most 3 generations) if there are one or more eligible departments N(N≥1): 1% of the first generation, 0.5% of the second generation, 0.5% of the third generation. No Leadership Bonus without eligible department.
1.1.7 Seven-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Create at least three direct networks, containing one Six-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 80,000BV or more.
Option 2: Create at least two direct networks, containing one Six-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 160,000BV or more.
Option 3:Create a cumulative PBV of 320,000BV or more.
This Status to be awarded the month following the qualification conditions are met.
Note: At this level the PBV of the distributor must be no less than 40BV in that specific month.
⑴The distributor of this status will receive 40% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
⑵When the GBV of the distributor is no less than 1,600BV. Leadership Bonus from N+1 generations of the same status(at most 5 generations) if there are one or more eligible departments N(N≥1): 1% of the first generation, 0.5% of the second generation, 0.5% of the third generation, 0.5% of the fourth generation. No Leadership Bonus without eligible department.
Eight-Star Consultant
To qualify:
Option 1: Create at least three direct networks, containing one Seven-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 320,000BV or more.
Option 2: Create at least two direct networks, containing one Seven-Star Consultant in each network, with the CBV of the total network at 640,000BV or more.
Option 3: Create a cumulative PBV of 1,280,000BV or more.
This Status to be awarded the month following the qualification conditions are met.
Note: At this level the PBV of the distributor must be no less than 50BV in that specific month.
⑴The distributor of this status will receive 45% direct bonus on his/her direct BV and corresponding indirect bonus in that specific month.
⑵When the GBV of the distributor is no less than 2,500BV. Leadership Bonus from N+1 generations of the same status(at most 8 generations) if there are one or more eligible departments N(N≥1): 1% of the first generation, 1% of the second generation, 0.5% of the third generation, 0.5% of the fourth generation, 0.5% of the fourth generation, 0.3% of the fifth generation, 0.2% of the seventh generation, 0.2% of the eighth generation,. No Leadership Bonus without eligible department.
Kuna ngazi nyingine nyingi juu ya eight-star consultant, maelezo ambayo utayapata baadaye.
Nitazidi kukupa maelezo zaidi kadri utakavyohitaji. Pamoja na ukurasa huu naomba usome ukurasa mwingine wa “
Ubora Wa kampuni Ya Green World Tanzania” kuweza kujua ni kwa nini kampuni hii ndilo chagua la kipekee kwako wewe unayeishi kwenye jamii yetu ya watanzania.
Nasisitiza tena kuwa usisite kuuliza swali lo lote ulilo nalo, muda wo wote kwa njia yo yote uipendayo ikwa ni pamoja na kunipgia simu, ujumbe kupitia SMS au kwa email. Ni furaha yangu kuhakikisha nimekujibu ipaswavyo.
Nakutakia kazi njema na karibu sana kwenye familia ya Green World.
Hujajiunga Na Kampuni Ya GREEN WORLD?
Jiunge sasa kwa kutumia moja kati ya njia hizi hapa chini:
1. Bonyeza (click) juu ya picha ya dada aliyesimama mbele ya gari iliyoko juu kabisa ya ukurasa huu upande wa kulia kisha jaza fomu itakayotokea. Ukishaituma fomu yako kwa ku-click (kubonyeza juu ya “Submit”), soma maelezo yanayofuata na sisi tutawasiliana na wewe mara moja. Usikate tamaa kama itapita siku moja au mbili, lazima tutawasiliana na wewe tu.
2. Click (Bonyeza) juu ya maneno “Jiunge Sasa” kwenye picha hii hapa chini kisha subiri. Jaza fomu itakayotokea, itume kwa kubonyeza juu ya “Submit” kisha subiri maelekezo kutoka kwetu. Uwe na subira, tutawasiliana na wewe tu.
Kwa mawasiliano tuma ujumbe wako kupitia ukurasa huu kwa kujaza fomu hapa chini , au tuma barua pepe kwa anuani au piga simu kwenye nambari zifuatazo: 0655 858027 au 0756 181651.